Landscape, Identity and Irish Cultural Heritage − Lectures by Dr Jenny Butler in Kraków

Dr Jenny Butler of University College Cork will give a plenary lecture entitled “Invoking Ireland: Celticity, Landscape and Identity in Irish Literary Tradition” during the seminar on “Landscape and Identity in Contemporary British and Irish Literature”, which will take place at the Institute of English Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, 10-11 May 2024. Venue: Collegium Paderevianum B, al. Mickiewicza 9b, room 505, 9 am.

Dr Butler will also give a talk about “The Traditional Irish Ritual Year and Calendar Customs” (which will be translated into Polish) on Friday 10th May, 5 pm, at the Ethnographic Museum in Kraków (Dom Esterki), ul. Krakowska 46. The talk will be followed by a concert of Irish music by Sheeban Celtic Band. Detailed programme is attached.

This project is financially supported by the Irish Studies Programme funded through the Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme, and the programme “Excellence Initiative − Research University” at the Jagiellonian University in cooperation with the Ethnographic Museum in Kraków.

Dr Jenny Butler is a Lecturer in the Study of Religions Department, University College Cork, the President of The Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions (ISASR) and an elected Executive Committee Member (Second Term, Publications Officer) of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) and a Committee Member of the Anthropological Association of Ireland (AAI). Her research interests are placed at the intersection of religion, culture and the environment. Her monograph 21st Century Irish Paganism: Worldview, Ritual, Identity is forthcoming from Routledge. She has given lectures and presentations at about 80 conferences and cultural institutions in Ireland and internationally. Currently, Dr Butler is working on a comparative ethnographic project, “Fairy Lore and Landscapes”.

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We are happy to extend our invitation to another seminar concerned with Irish literature, culture and politics.
Patrick Quigley, the author of three major works about the Gore-Booth Markiewicz family, will talk to Katarzyna Bazarnik and Katarzyna Gmerek.
The seminar will be held online (Zoom).

Time: Dec 2, 2022 (Friday), 7:00 pm (CET)
Venue: Zoom
Registration – please send an email requesting a Zoom link to: michal.lachman@uni.lodz.pl

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Forced adoptions in Ireland on ”Dział Zagraniczny”
A conversation with Professor Wawrzyniec Konarski – the podcast is available from:

We are happy to announce the publication of two books that will certainly be of utmost interest to Irish studies academics and many readers in Poland. The second Polish translation of James Joyce’s Ulysses has just come out, accompanied by its translator’s (i.e. Maciej Świerkocki’s) book on the novel itself and the process of translating Joyce’s masterpiece.
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